Camden Assembly of God
Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom; teaching and admonishing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with grace in your hearts to the Lord.
Colossians 3:16
What to Expect
Camden is a community of people who are on a journey of transformation. Our mission is to transform the way people think, in order to transform the way that they live. Romans 12:2 teaches us: “Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.” Camden Assembly of God is a full-Gospel, Spirit-Filled family fellowship where people of all denominations are welcome to worship in spirit and in truth. The music is lively, the worship is positive, and the message is sincere.
God’s word, the Bible, is the source of all our teaching and preaching. Jesus Christ, God’s Son, is our Savior and the Head of this church. We invite you to come out and be a part in what God has in store.
This is God’s church. We want Him to be in charge. Perhaps the name Camden Assembly of God lets you know why we get together. Others may make up their own religious beliefs. Our desire is to follow what God said. We do that through worship, prayer, study, and listening to the Word of God.
At Camden Assembly, music is not a spectator event; it is a participation activity. The congregation joins in the worship since most of the songs are familiar standards. Hymns are often sung, and hymnbooks including both words and music are available. Currently the piano, Allen organ, and guitar are frequently used. You’ll probably know some of the songs at any given service. We strive for a variety of music that pours with meaning from our hearts in worship, praise, and expression.
Alan & Kathy Hyatt, Lead Pastor
9:30am Sunday school
10:45am Morning service
6:00pm Evening service
Attention Parents
We are glad to announce that our nursery is available for children up to age 4 for Sunday morning services.
6:00pm Prayer meeting
9:00am Women's Prayer
6:00pm Praise and Worship
7:00pm Family night